The story of Sizzlin’ Salsa & the Lime Press… • Sutton Benefits & Pension

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The story of Sizzlin’ Salsa & the Lime Press…

For anyone who knows me, I am a novice gardener. My garden this year improved greatly from what I learned from my first garden experience in 2020. I was delighted this year to have my first crop of garlic along with a jungle of tomatoes and heaps of onions.

So, what to do with all those tomatoes?

I pull out my favourite cookbook, The LooneySpoons Collection for inspiration. I bought this cookbook at the Raj Manek Memorial Banquet in February 2020 where author Janet Podelski was the keynote. Janet & her sister Greta’s entrepreneurship story was unforgettable!

Sizzlin’ Salsa – Fresh tasting, flavour-packed, chunky tomato salsa” – seemed the best choice to use my tomatoes.

This was my first-time making salsa and I decided to go for a double batch. I carefully studied the ingredients and followed the recipe. I had my fresh limes and started to squeeze the lime by hand.

Then I had a Eureka moment! I remembered I had a Lime Press for juicing that I bought at Tupperware® Party years ago. I had NEVER used it.

What a remarkable kitchen tool this was. It worked fantastic! I couldn’t believe how much juice was squeezed from those limes. No doubt, the lime juice was the sizzle the salsa needed.

There were many times in one of my purging moods, that I thought to get rid of that kitchen tool because I never used it. That day, my first-time making salsa, I was so thankful I had it.


What does this have to do with benefit plans you might ask?

Here’s the link. There are certain benefits in your plan that are like that Lime Press. Smart employers are always evaluating what tools they can add or upgrade in their benefits “tool drawer” that really add value for employees when they need it most.

Not every employee will use every tool in the “tool drawer” … today.

Different tools become useful as employees move through the stages of life (maybe they become parents, need to support their own aging parents, or are getting up in age themselves) or if unfortunate events occur, such as a critical illness, death, or disability.

I’ve seen clients shy away from including important benefits because of concerns that they won’t get buy-in from everyone or not everyone will use it. Employees may not show gratitude for that benefit today but imagine the day they open the kitchen drawer for a tool and it’s there when they need it most!

That’s how you get the most juice from your benefits plan! If you are not sure you have all the tools you need in your benefits plan, give me call.


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