I wrote a story a few years ago about NEVER having used my Lime Press before the Sizzlin’ Salsa recipe. I had this Lime Press in my kitchen drawer for years and it sat untouched.
After I used it for my Sizzlin’ Salsa, I discovered what a fantastic tool it actually was. Now, I use it frequently in many different situations…not just for salsa.
There are “tools” in your benefits plan, like Employee Family Assistance Plans, Virtual Healthcare and Second Opinion services that maybe don’t have high utilization.
We may want to purge those tools that go “untouched” … just like I almost purged my Lime Press.
We can’t see value and appreciate things until we use actually use them. Simple as that.
Employees only need to use a tool ONCE! AND, if they try it once, it’s highly likely they will use it again.
We had Virtual Healthcare in our benefits plan for quite a while before I finally tried it. I was a champion for the service after ONE time.
Time Saved. Problem Solved. Peace of Mind.
I have used our Virtual Healthcare service many times since.
Even Tim has used it! After a hard slash to the shin during a “shinny” hockey game, his ankle and foot were very swollen and he had a nasty lump.
We were travelling on an airplane the next day. I was worried.
Tim would NOT have gone to see a doctor. He did finally agree to use our Virtual Healthcare service (I might have encouraged him a little).
After 10-minute call with a doctor, he was happy to report to me. He was right – I had nothing to worry about.
Time Saved. Problem Solved. Peace of mind.
Are there any “tools” in YOUR benefits plan that you need to try yourself?
The challenge is on. Be a champion. Take something out of your “kitchen drawer” and experience the value and peace of mind you are providing your team.
In the meantime, read on for the original story. I would love to hear your insights too!
Read the ORIGINAL story of the Sizzlin’ Salsa & the Lime Press HERE.
Not every employee will use every tool in the “tool drawer” … today, but imagine the day they open the kitchen drawer for a tool and it’s there when they need it most!
That’s how you get the most juice from your benefits plan! If you are not sure you have all the tools you need in your benefits plan, give me call.
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
– Audrey Hepburn